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Detect an app-level pause in Android. Currently at v2.1

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This library simulates Application-level onPause() and onResume() life cycle events. But, what does that actually mean? For the purposes of this library, the following definitions apply:

An app is considered to be paused when the app is no longer visible to the user. By definition, this means that when an app is paused, none of the Activitys that belong to the app are visible to the user.

Along similar lines,

An app is considered to be resumed when at least one Activity from the app is visible to the user.

For more details about why these definitions were chosen, take a look at this blog post.

Note that when a user is using your app, if the device orientation is changed, the user can be considered to be continuing viewing your app. Thus, in general, device orientation changes should not be treated as app pause events.


Please see file in the project root for a detailed change log

New in v2.0

v1.0 of this library did not take into account the device rotations. Hence, when you rotated the device, onStop() would be called on all the activities, all clients would "un-bind", and your onAppPause() would be called followed by onAppResume().

v2.0 takes device rotations into account. By default, device rotations do not trigger app pause events. This behavior can be altered using the setTreatRotationAsAppPause(boolean) method.

See the Appendices at the end of this document for more details regarding the API and implementation changes.

How to Use

android-app-pause is provided as an Android Library project. To use it, follow these steps:

  1. Add android-app-pause as a dependent library to your Android Application Project.
  2. Extend AbstractAppPauseApplication and override the methods onAppPause() and onAppResume().
  3. For every Activity in your app:
    • Extend AbstractAppPauseActivity, instead of
    • (Optional): If you want device rotations to trigger app pauses, call setTreatRotationAsAppPause with a value of true.

Check out the sample project to see how it is used.


In some cases, it may not possible for you to extend AbstractAppPauseActivity. This could happen if you are already inheriting from some other base Activity like one of the Sherlock* Activities from ActionBar Sherlock. In such cases, you can replicate the functionality of AbstractAppPauseActivity in your Activities. Take a look at the source for AbstractAppPauseActivity.

Just remember that you need to perform these steps in every Activity in your app.

When to Use

This library is useful when your app has several Activitys and you wish to stop or pause certain "app-wide" background tasks when your app as a whole "goes into the background". There are some background tasks that you would want to keep running as long as user is interacting with your app. However, when user is no longer actively interacting with your app, you would wish to stop/pause these background tasks.

Typical actions you might want to perform when you app "pauses" are:

Similarly, you would want to reverse these actions as soon as your app "returns to the foreground".

Note that this library is not useful if your app has just a single Activity or two. In such cases, you could use the Activity life-cycle methods onPause() and onResume() to start/stop background tasks.


If you want to improve this library, fork away. Pull requests are welcome. The appendices at the end of this document contain information for library developers.

Why is this a Library Project?

Well, it doesn't have to be. The library could just as well have been made into a .jar file that you can include in the libs/ folder of your app. I decided to make it an Android Library project to keep room for future enhancements. Also, I really don't like the idea of making a regular Java project and adding android.jar as a dependency in order to make it compile.

Appendix 1: API Changes

Please note that the removals above are not deprecations. I decided not to maintain the old procedure of using Service. See the section on Implementation Changes below to know more about the reason.

Appendix 2: Implementation changes

The high-level functioning of v1.0 of this library was as follows:

As you can see, this approach does not take device rotations into account. Basically, what you want to do is this:

If onStop() is being called because the device orientation is being changed, then do not perform the unbind.

However, if you bind a Service to an Activity but do not unbind it before the Activity is destroyed, then you get a ServiceConnectionLeaked error at runtime.

To work around this, v2.0 of this library discards the Service altogether. Instead, it uses a simple counter mechanism in the custom Application class (AbstractAppPauseApplication). The functioning is now as follows:


Copyright 2013 Kiran Rao

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

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distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.