Android: Passing an arbitrary object to a custom View

So, I came across a situation where I wanted to create a custom View in Android (let’s call it MyAwesomeView). I had to work with a couple of constraints:

  1. I have to be able to pass in an additional object to MyAwesomeView.
  2. The MyAwesomeView should also be usable from XML.
  3. The MyAwesomeView should be distinct from the application itself - i.e., it should be possible to distribute the MyAwesomeView as a library.

To elaborate a bit on the “pass in an additional object” part: View provides three standard constructors using which you can pass in

  • a Context,
  • an AttributeSet and
  • an int representing the style.

I want to also pass in a BitmapCache object since MyAwesomeView uses lots of Bitmaps and I don’t want to encounter the dreaded OutOfMemoryError that goes hand in hand with decoding large bitmaps in an Android app. MyAwesomeView decodes a bitmap only if it is not already present in the cache.

The second constraint makes things really difficult. It is possible to pass in additional “configuration” information to a View by creating custom attributes. However, this obviously cannot be used to pass in an object like a BitmapCache.

Augmenting the Context object with additional information

This solution I came across is as follows:

  • Define an interface BitmapCacheProvider with a single method provideBitmapCache();
  • Make your Activity class implement the interface defined in step 1. Override the interface method to return an appropriate BitmapCache object.
  • In the constructor of MyAwesomeView, check to see if the context object passed in to implements the BitmapCacheProvider interface. If it does - we’re good. If not, then fail fast (or disable cacheing - whatever works for you).

In code, here’s what this would look like:

* Interface to be implemented by the Context (Activity etc) in which `MyAwesomeView` runs
public interface BitmapCacheProvider{
BitmapCache provideBitmapCache();
* An example of an Activity that implements BitmapCacheProvider
public class MyActivity extends Activity implements BitmapCacheProvider{
//... Life-cycle methods of the Activity here
public BitmapCache provideBitmapCache(){
//Get your instance of bitmapcache here - probably from your Application
BitmapCache bitmapCache = ...;
return bitmapCache;
* Custom View that uses an additional object (BitmapCache) for its configuration.
public class MyAwesomeView extends View{
private BitmapCache mBitmapCache;
public MyAwesomeView(Context context){
init(context, null, 0);
public MyAwesomeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs){
init(context, attrs, 0);
public MyAwesomeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int style){
init(context, attrs, style);
private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int style){
* Try casting the contex to BitmapCacheProvider.
* If the required interface is not implemented,
* it'll throw a ClassCastException
mBitmapCache = ((BitmapCacheProvider) context).provideBitmapCache();
} catch(ClassCastException e){
throw new ClassCastException(context.toString()
+ " must implement BitmapCacheProvider");
//At this point, we have the BitmapCacheObject which we can use for further processing.


What we saw in this post was how it is possible to create a custom View in Android, that can take in an arbitrary object in its constructor - and still be usable from XML. Admittedly, it is a bit round-about, but it has its benefits. Here are a few other points worth considering if you are following this approach:

  • In this example, I just augmented the main Activity with the desired interface, but you might need to do this for other classes. Basically, the Context that is passed in to the custom View constructor must be enhanced to implement the interface. What this context is depends on how you are including the custom View.
  • You might argue that the BitmapCache should be part of the custom View and not passed in to it by the application. This depends on the use case. If you have multiple custom Views that require Bitmap cacheing (as is the case with my app), it probably makes sense for the app to maintain the cache. We might not want too maintain too many caches lest the cache overhead cancels out any benefits we derive from having the cache in the first place!