Blog Archive

Goodbye Jekyll, Hello Astro

Why, What and How of the migration of my blog from Jekyll to Astro

Does the future of the AI Industry "lie in the trash can"?

What does the 1956 quote "the future of packaging lies in the trash can" have to do with the 2024 quote "The creative jobs that AI will take away shouldn't have been there in the first place"?

The AI Integration Manifesto

DOs and DON'Ts for integrating AI tools into a product or service

Fairphone: So much more than the phone

A look at the original sustainable electronics champion

Framework laptop: A game-changer in sustainable electronics

An honest long-term usage review of the 1st gen Framework upgradable laptop

Effectively using slots in Jetpack Compose

Using slots to avoid having to trickle parameters down the tree of Composables

Hiring in Tech

Learning ability above knowledge; and other tips for hiring programmers

The Digital Identity Conundrum

Advocating against using corporate-owned identities as our digital identities

Writing as a Problem Solving tool

Self problem-solving technique involving describing the problem in as much detail as possible

Mobile Multiplatform and Me

My experiences with Kotlin Mobile Multiplatform, Flutter and ReactNative