Nested Fragments and the Backstack - Part 3
This is the third post in the series about Nested Fragments and the Back Stack in Android. Read the previous posts here:
The first two posts have looked at the topic taking ViewPager
as an
example. I have also mentioned repeatedly that this is not the only use
case for having to maintain the back-stack of nested fragments. One use
case that I threw up often in comments was about Navigation Drawers.
That is exactly what this post will look into.
EDIT: Some Google engineers, including the creators of the Android
framework have expressed their reservations regarding this article. Read
this G+
for more details. They point out that using an Application
to save state is not a good idea, but also that saving Fragment
instance state explicitly might in itself needs to be considered
carefully. I hope to gather their thoughts and write a follow-up post in
the coming weeks. Stay Tuned.
Just to re-cap the conclusion from the previous article:
- Consider pro-actively saving your
states inonPause
, particularly is theFragment
happens to nest other fragments inside of it. - Do not rely solely on the system saving state for you in
. - Use
to save the Fragment state including the back-stack of nested fragment transactions for you. - Do not hold on to the saved state any longer than necessary.
Adapting to Navigation Drawer
If you take the source code for Part2
of the series, and adapt it as-is to a Navigation Drawer example, you’ll
find that things don’t quite work as you’d expect. In particular, you’ll
find that even though you have saved the state of the
in onPause
, the next time you return to this
fragment, its state is cleared.
Why is this? The alert reader might have spotted the reason.
In the case of the ViewPager
example, we clear the saved fragment
state in onDestroy()
. This is because of the way ViewPager works (or
rather, FragmentPagerAdapter
or FragmentStatePagerAdapter
When you navigate away from a tab, the Fragment’s `onPause
called but none of the other life-cycle methods are called. This means
is skipped and the Fragment is simply torn down. onDestroy
is only called when the hosting Activity
is destroyed.
@Overridepublic void onPause() { super.onPause(); ((NestedFragApp)getActivity().getApplication()).setFragmentSavedState(SAVED_STATE_KEY, getFragmentManager().saveFragmentInstanceState(this));}
@Overridepublic void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); ((NestedFragApp)getActivity().getApplication()).setFragmentSavedState(SAVED_STATE_KEY, null);}
However, when you use a Navigation Drawer, the case is different. In
this situation, there is no PagerAdapter
to deal with. When you
navigate from one item in the navigation drawer to another, the “old”
Fragment undergoes the complete life-cycle - onPause
all the way to
and onDetach
. As a consequence, since you’re clearing the
saved Fragment state in onDestroy
of the ContainerFragment
, you
end up clearing the state that you had just saved in onPause
Well, the solution is rather simple - just don’t clear the state in
of the parent Fragment! In addition, there are a few other
minor changes - like the way you set the initial state of the
ContainerFragment (instead of retrieving the saved state in one of the
life cycle methods of the Fragment, you use setInitialSavedState
the static creator method). The source code for this is available at the
for this series.
public static ContainerFragment newInstance(SavedState savedState) { ContainerFragment frag = new ContainerFragment(); frag.setInitialSavedState(savedState); return frag;}......@Overridepublic void onPause() { super.onPause(); ((NestedFragApp)getActivity().getApplication()).setFragmentSavedState(SAVED_STATE_KEY, getFragmentManager().saveFragmentInstanceState(this));}
Here’s a video showing this in action (Unfortunately the Android screenrecord tool doesn’t like it if you rotate the device during the recording, but I think the video demnostrates the point sufficiently):
Forgetting the saved state?
The bullet points that we established in the previous post (re-capped at the beginning of this post) say that you should not hold on to the saved state any longer than necessary. However, we had to violate that rule in this solution because - well - it is pointless to save the state only to immediately clear it!
However, depending on your use case you might approach this in a
different manner. For example, you might only clear the fragment saved
state when the hosting Activity
is destroyed. This is not
demonstrated in the sample code on github but should be straightforward
to implement.