Blog Archive

Basic before advanced

Advanced features are useless if the basic ones don't work well

Facebook and Privacy

How to use Facebook while not entirely giving up your privacy

Moving to Counter for analytics

Getting rid of cookie-based analytics to enhance privacy of my readers


A great user interface does not guarantee a great user experience, and vice versa

Tech as an Enhancer

Offline-first and other stories ...

Scalable tech ≠ scalable business

A scalable tech stack is necessary but not sufficient for running a scalable business

Falsehoods programmers believe about addresses

Invalid assumptions that we make about addresses, that lead to poor UX

Stateless widget animations in Flutter

Using Implicit animations in Flutter to animate stateless widgets

Diff animations with SwiftUI

SwiftUI: Recreating Android circular diff animations from a previous post using SwiftUI

Android Gradle: Lessons learnt using missingDimensionStrategy

Advanced flavor configuration in Android Gradle, and the missingDimensionStrategy DSL