Blog Archive

Android DiffUtil Part 3: Custom animations

A 3 part series on Android's DiffUtil; Part 3 implements a very custom circular animation by wrapping DiffUtil API

Android DiffUtil Part 2: List Diffs on other platforms

A 3 part series on Android's DiffUtil; Part 2 is a survey of similar APIs on Swift, iOS, Angular and Flutter

What's the big difference? A deep dive into Android DiffUtil

A 3 part series on Android's DiffUtil; Part 1 is about the API and how to use it

The Limits of One-size-fits-all

Java: Value classes and the equals() method

Gotchas while overriding equal() method while using Java's value classes

Delegates - Composition over Inheritance in Kotlin

Using Kotlin's interface delegation feature to replace inheritance with composition

AO(sp)y Episode 2 - Lambdas

AO(sp)y Part 1

Nested Fragments and the Backstack - Part 3

Nested Fragment and the BackStack - Part 2